I Dived into German Pensions: Here's What I Discovered

It's once in a life-time decision. I wanted to spend enough time to understand this

I remember the first time I started researching for a German pension plan—I felt like I was trying to read a sci-fi novel, in German, backwards! 

You must know the feeling! That "Am I ever going to get this?" moment as you dig through the endless sea of information, trying to make sense of your future nest egg in a place you now call home. 

I've been in those shoes, pacing the room, reaching out on Facebook groups or reddit boards, waiting for a message that I hoped would untangle the pension puzzle. 

And then it came—the call with Laura from Feather insurance, where every question was met with a kind and knowledgeable answer. Before the call, they sent over the lowdown on their offering: full flexibility, low costs, and the sweet promise of tax efficiency. 

For those new to it, like me, understanding this system is crucial to ensuring your later years are comfortable and secure. 

But guess what? I've figured out a bunch of stuff, and I'm super excited to share what I've learned with you.

BUT first, full transparency: I may receive commissions if you click on some of the links in this article, but it won’t cost you a thing! Also, the companies do not pay me to write these reviews. I test the products and services myself, and I support them regardless.

Table of Contents

Understanding the German Pension Landscape

So, in Germany, they've got this thing called "Altersvorsorge" which is just a fancy way of saying "planning for old age." The pension system in Germany is like a three-layer cake. The first layer is the state pension, then there's the company pension, and finally, the private pension. It's all about finding the right mix for you.

If you work for someone, you have to chip in for the state pension, and your company does too. And when you get older and retire, you get money based on how much you've earned and how long you've worked.

For folks like me, freelancers or people running their own business, it's a bit different. They can choose to join the state pension, but they have to pay all 19.6% of it by themselves. 

How the Statutory Pension Works

Imagine a giant piggy bank where everyone who works in Germany puts a little bit of their paycheck. Then, when people retire, they get money out of this piggy bank based on how much they put in. But, there's a bit of worry about whether this piggy bank will have enough for everyone in the future. That's why it's a good idea to think about having your own savings plan too.

This piggy bank is managed by the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung), and when you retire, you get to start taking money out of it based on how much you've put in over the years.

However, there's a twist - with retirees receiving around 48% of their last income, the journey may end in a less comfortable retirement than expected.

Private pension insurance is like your own secret savings stash for when you get older. The state pension might not give you enough money to do all the fun stuff like traveling to Bali or taking a cruise in the Bahamas like you dreamt about for retirement, so having your own plan is super smart.

In Germany, there are a few different types of private pensions. Some are really good for people who work for a company, and others are awesome for freelancers. The best part is that these plans can give you extra money and tax breaks, which is like getting a high-five from the government.

Introduction to Private Pension Insurance

Think of private pension insurance as your personal financial safety net for retirement. While the statutory pension provides a foundation, it may not fully cover your lifestyle in retirement, especially with the average pension replacing only about 48% of your last salary. That's a pretty big gap to fill, and that's where private pension plans shine.

Private pensions in Germany come in various flavors, each with its benefits. The most common types are the Riester-Rente, designed for employees to supplement their statutory pension with generous government bonuses and tax advantages, and the Rürup-Rente or Basis-Rente, particularly appealing to self-employed individuals due to its tax benefits.

But why is private pension insurance considered necessary? 

Well, it's all about ensuring you can maintain the lifestyle you enjoy now, even in retirement. It's an opportunity to take control of your financial future, rather than relying solely on the statutory system.

Making the Choice: Basis Pension vs. Private Pension Plan Germany

Picking between a Basis Pension and a Private Pension Plan in Germany is a lot like choosing between a sturdy, reliable VW and a zippy BMW. Both will get you to your destination—retirement—but they'll do it in different styles.

The Basis Pension is your classic choice—think of it as the Volkswagen Beetle of pensions. It's got tax perks while you're paying in, and you can watch your investment in ETFs grow without fretting about upfront fees. But there's a catch: your money's locked up until retirement rolls around, and then, it only dribbles out monthly.

Flip the coin, and there's the Private Pension Plan—the BMW Z4, if you will. It’s got flair and flexibility. You can dip into it anytime, and when the retirement party starts, you choose how to cash out: monthly or one big bang of a payout. 

But hold up—let's not forget the tax man. With the Basis Pension, you’re playing the long game, and watching the tax benefits blossom. On the flip side, the Private Pension matures over time, with tax breaks waiting for you at retirement.

Making It Personal: Why I Chose Feather

For me, I wanted something flexible, something that let me decide how and when I use my money. I love that it's all easy to understand and in ENGLISH. No crazy finance jargon, just straightforward info that helps me make the best choices.

And guess what? I found it. 

Pension Insurance in Germany from €50/month

Starting at just €50 a month, Feather makes saving for retirement accessible to everyone. Whether you're a freelancer, a globetrotter, or anyone in between, you can start building your nest egg without breaking the bank. 

Full Flexibility on Withdrawals and Location

That's why they offer unparalleled flexibility with your pension plan. Want to retire in the sunny vineyards of Italy or the serene mountains of Switzerland? Feather's got you covered, with the ability to take your pension worldwide, both for paying in and paying out. And when it comes to accessing your savings, you're in the driver's seat. Choose between a lump sum, a monthly pension, or a mix of both when you retire. It's your money, your choice.

Tax-Efficient Savings and Low-Cost Pension

Navigating tax laws can be daunting, but Feather makes it a breeze with tax-efficient savings that maximize your retirement funds. And with a total Feather cost of just €1.50 + 0.72% all-in, without any upfront fees, keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket becomes a reality. It's like having a savvy friend who knows all the best deals and shares them with you.

Investing Mainly in the iShares Core MSCI World

Your pension savings shouldn't just sit there; they should be working for you. Feather invests mainly in the iShares Core MSCI World, a tried and tested way to grow your funds over time. Think of it as planting a seed and watching it grow into a towering tree, providing shade for your future.

Understanding Feather Pension Insurance Fees

Transparency is key with Feather. They have two straightforward fees: a monthly fee of €1.50 and a yearly fee of 0.5% on the total amount in your pension plan. This clarity means what you see is what you get – no hidden fees waiting to surprise you. It's refreshing, like finding a clear stream in the forest where you can see all the way to the bottom.

The Backbone of Feather: Squarelife Insurance AG

Behind every great plan is a great provider, and Feather is powered by Squarelife Insurance AG. With Squarelife, your money is safely invested in ETFs, which are legally separated from the company's assets. This means even if the unforeseeable happens to Feather or Squarelife, your money remains secure. It's the peace of mind you need when planning for retirement.

Pre-Paying with Feather Insurance for Permanent Residency Eligibility

A unique and highly beneficial feature of Feather insurance is the option to pre-pay your pension contributions. This option is particularly relevant for expatriates aiming to secure permanent residency in Germany. With Feather's pension plan, you have the opportunity to pre-pay your pension one year before the day you start your pension. So if you decide to start your pension on May 1 2024, you can prepay from May 1, 2023. 

Concluding My Journey

Navigating pensions in Germany seemed super daunting at first, but with a bit of help and the right information, I feel way more confident about my future here. If you’re an expat like me, figuring out your pension is a big step towards making Germany your long-term home. 

Feather Insurance turned out to be the perfect partner for me on this journey, combining flexibility, low costs, and a smart investment strategy.

Remember, it's never too early or too late to start planning for your retirement. And hey, if I can figure it out, you definitely can too.

Learn more about Feather Pension Insurance here (my recommendation is to jump on a call with them to learn about this more).


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